There is More to Streamgraph than Movies:
Better Aesthetics via Ordering and Lassoing

Additional Material for EuroVis 2016 submission #129

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The following images were produced by the algorithms discussed in the submitted paper.
Clicking on a figure opens a high-resolution version in SVG format, which can be displayed and zoomed in the web browser.
Passing with the pointer over a layer in a SVG figure reveals the layer label.

A compressed version of this website can be downloaded for navigating it locally.

Dataset Google
Relative variations in volume of Google search traffic in the U.S. across 27 sectors of the economy from 2014 to 2015
365 time points

Ordering: TwoOpt. Baseline: 1-norm
Ordering: TwoOpt. Baseline: 2-norm
Ordering: TwoOptR. Baseline: 1-norm
Ordering: TwoOptR. Baseline: 2-norm
Ordering: BestFirst. Baseline: 1-norm
Ordering: BestFirst. Baseline: 2-norm
Ordering: OnSet. Baseline: 1-norm
Ordering: OnSet. Baseline: 2-norm
Ordering: D3. Baseline: 1-norm
Ordering: D3. Baseline: 2-norm
Ordering: Random. Baseline: 1-norm
Ordering: Random. Baseline: 2-norm